Blog Archives


The Healer

The Healer

The healer archetype is a universal symbol that represents the act of healing and the desire to serve others. Healers come in many forms, such as nurses, shamans, caregivers, therapists, and more. These individuals have the ability to channel energy and provide...

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The Angel-The Divine Messenger

The Angel-The Divine Messenger

An archetype is a pattern of behavior that has existed for all time and in all places. As we explore these patterns, we see a spectrum of light to dark, lessons to be learned and vibrations to be experienced. The Angel has been witnessed in all cultures and in all...

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Monthly Newsletter Here

Monthly Newsletter Here

Click to view  November 2022 Newsletter PDF October 2022 Newsletter PDF September 2022 Newsletter PDF August 2022 Newsletter PDF   If you are not already signed up to receive this monthly newsletter please sign up here. Sign me up!    ...

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The Destroyer

The Destroyer

I live in Florida and that means hurricanes. Currently one is brewing and all of Florida has been put on alert. That makes me think of the Destroyer Archetype. The Destroyer comes in many shapes and sizes – any natural disaster (fire, flood, tornado, hurricane,...

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Long Live The Queen

Long Live The Queen

Today is the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II and I can’t help but be compelled to write about this archetype. It’s amazing to witness the ending of an era, a display of profound pageantry and the pervasive reverence displayed by her kingdom. Monarch comes from the...

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JOY Fabric Collage Greeting Card

JOY Fabric Collage Greeting Card

I’ve been creating greeting cards ever since I learned the technique from Ruth Carden about 10 years ago. I was at a quilt retreat when I witnessed the beautiful cards that Ruth was making.  What I’ve loved about these cards is the fact that they are mini quilts with...

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Carpe Momentum

Carpe Momentum

I read the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert a couple of years back. Of course I loved it! Right up my alley.  More recently I was listening to it on audible where Elizabeth does the reading and it is enchanting.  My breath near stopped when she read the passage...

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Big Audacious Global Exhibition

Big Audacious Global Exhibition

For several years in the past, I had this vision of a solo exhibition.  I thought it would be an interesting assortment of the beautiful doors, windows, and gates in my hometown, St. Augustine, FL – the nation’s oldest city.  In fact, I already had the title in my...

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8 Steps to Picking Your Personal Archetypes

8 Steps to Picking Your Personal Archetypes

How do you determine your personal array of archetypes can be a daunting task. Why is that? For one thing, the list of archetypes is endless. The archetypes evolve over time. Newer ones that have come to light recently because of changing culture could include “The...

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